Volunteer Applicant

Preferred Communication Method(s)

Volunteer Details

Which areas would you be able to support clients in? (please tick all that apply)
Answering yes will not affect your eligibility for volunteering. We ask because DBS applications can take longer for non-EEA citizens and so it is necessary for us to know so we can begin the process sooner
Aphasia Cafe
Please place a tick next to all the
video calling platforms you have previously used
Do you own any of the following devices? Please tick all that apply
Do you have internet access?
As clients are visited at home a DBS check is
required. Do you believe this check will
be clear?


Reference One
Reference Two

Criminal convictions

Aphasia Support would like you to answer the following questions. This information will only be used to provide us with statistics to show us where we need to target our volunteer recruitment. This will help us to make sure Aphasia Support welcomes volunteers from all areas of society.


Volunteer Profile

The following questions and answers will be shared with the person with aphasia you support prior to your first appointment and are simply being asked for rapport building purposes. You will also receive the client profile of the person you support prior to the first appointment.

What are your top five favourite films?
